Rathambhore is located at the gathering point of Vindhya Hill ranges as well as Aravalli Hill ranges. This is a great place for the ones that are nature as well as wildlife enthutiasts. It is situated around hundred and eighty kilometers from the city of Jaipur. This is a great place for the ones that are nature as well as wildlife enthutiasts.
Ranthambore National Park: This is one of the most visited attractions of Rathambhore tour as it is rich in flora and fauna. It is located at the junction of Vindhya hill as well as Aravalli hill ranges. It is spread about an rea of four hundrend kilometers. In the past it was actually the land of hunting for Maharaja Jaipur which then converted into a wildlife sanctuary in the year 1955. Around 1973 this place came under the the project of tiger which aimed at preserving the number of depleting tigers in India. In the years 1981 it received the status of National park. This is actually one of the bets places for seeing Bengal tigers. You will be able to see tigers during the day time also. This wildlife sanctuary comprises of three hundred and twenty species of birds which also includes migratory bords, thirty five reptile species as well as forty mammals species.
Ranthambore fort: This is one of the amazing fort which is located near the well known Rathambhore National Park. This fort was built by the Chauhan rulers in the tenth century and it is nearly seven hundred feet on top of the surrounding plain. The various aspects of this fort are temples, huge gates, tanks as well as huge walls that grab the attention of the tourists. The fort comprises of 3 Hindu temples which are dedicated ti Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva as well as Lord Ramaji. These are the temples that were constructed around twelvth and thirteenth century. These temples are made from red karauli stone. It also comprises of the Jain temple of Lord Sambhavnath that is third Tirthankar as well as Lord Sumatinath that is fivth Tirthankar. This is laos one of the major attration. This fort had been in the past captured by the rulers and so it is a part of history.
Rathambore is one of the best tourist attraction and it also the top travel destination in Rajasthan. Few other places to visit in ranthambore are Jogi Mahal, Padam Talab, Raj Bagh Talab and many more such attractions.
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